Directory of High Strangeness

The Ultimate High Strangeness Directory: Where Reality Blurs

Some mysteries go beyond ghosts and cryptids—they defy logic itself. Time slips, bizarre disappearances, eerie synchronicities, and events that make reality feel… unstable. This directory is a growing collection of high strangeness phenomena, documenting the weirdest, most unexplainable cases ever recorded.

Whether you’re here to explore missing time, interdimensional encounters, the Mothman Prophecies, or something even stranger, each entry delves into the reports, theories, and lingering questions that challenge our understanding of the world.

If you’ve encountered something beyond explanation or know of a case we haven’t listed, let us know—because the deeper you look, the stranger it gets.

Reality Glitches & Time Slips

Sir Victor Goddard’s Time Slip

Bold Street Time Slips

Cape Spear Time Anomalies

Disappearing Hotel of Montélimar

Gadianton Canyon Time Slip

Gil Pérez

Green Children of Woolpit

Hotel Vanishing of Langueglos

John Titor

Jophar Vorin

Kersey Time Slip

Man from Taured

Missing Thunderbird Photo

Moberly-Jourdain Incident

Mysterious Case of Leroy Chiao

Ong’s Hat Conspiracy

Philadelphia Experiment

Rainboy of Brazil

Skrine Manor Time Slip

Vanishing Village of Anjikuni Lake

Bizarre Encounters & Entities

Austrian Moon-Eyed People

Black Stick Men


Cicada 3301 Mystery

David Lang Disappearance

Erlking’s Curse

Extraterrestrial Bigfoot Theories

Gurning Man of Glasgow

Hat Man

Indrid Cold

Men in Black Sightings

Mirrored Men

Montauk Project

Not Deer of Appalachia

Owlman & MIB Connection

Pale Crawlers

Panicked Screaming Man of Idaho

Shadow People & Sleep Paralysis

Sludge Entity of Ohio

Smiling Man Encounters

Anomalous Places & Events

Alaska Triangle

Area 51 Beyond Experiments

Aokigahara’s Paranormal Anomalies

Bermuda Triangle

Bridgewater Triangle

Chase Vault Moving Coffins

Devil’s Gate Dam

Devil’s Sea / Dragon’s Triangle

Door to Hell

Dyatlov Pass Mystery

Glastonbury Tor & The Hidden Door

Hoia Baciu’s Lights & Energy

Kongka La Pass UFO Base

Lake Anjikuni Vanishing Village

Magnetic Hill Mystery

Mel’s Hole

Mount Shasta’s Lemurian Mysteries

Point Pleasant Portal

Rendlesham Forest Time Distortions

Stonehenge’s Energy Vortex


Keep Checking Back As We Build The Directory